Ready To Take Advantage Of The Appreciating Market?
If you think it's time to turn that dream into a reality, send me a message to get more information about how I can assist you make your first steps toward homeownership. Also, check out the blog, where you can find more information about writing compelling offers and keeping the competitive edge!
buying in portland
My own entry into the Portland market began in 2012 with my search for my first home. I spent nearly 18 months researching property values, taxation rates and neighborhoods and watched as Portland appreciated its way out of the slump of the late 2000s. After entering into homeownership, I couldn't keep my eyes, or my mind off the market, and this passion led to its logical result when I became a licensed realtor.
As your agent, I focus on creating experiences that capture the best parts of shopping for a home and reduce the anxieties and frustration that can sometimes creep in. I accomplish this first by listening, and hearing from you the things that are important to you, and later in the process by doggedly advocating for your needs once we reach negotiations. If there is one thing I have, it’s energy; and I will not rest until you are snug in your new home, feet up, thinking of the memories you will make in this new place.
Whether you are actively starting your search, resuming one, or simply keeping up on changes in the market with a future purchase in mind, I assure you I will endeavor tirelessly to provide you a home-buying experience that is energetic, exciting, and tailored personally to YOU.